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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Occupying Iraq Both Bush and Saddam Were 18o

Saddam Hussein, was a criminal and the world is a better place now that he is gone. The fact that others got away with committing worse crimes doesn’t excuse what Saddam did. Only God can punish every wrong doer. Complaining that the US isn’t God is just complaining for the sake of complaining. Of course those who agree with Saddam’s policies will invent something to complain about.

Saddam’s problem was he started believing his own press clippings. He thought he could taunt the US forever and threaten the Saudis and get away with it. The problem was George Bush would do anything to protect the Saudis including deceiving the American people with the idea that there was an imminent danger of Saddam using a weapon of mass destruction. Bush got the American people to believe what he wanted them to believe knowing full well that what got them to believed was false. Bush deceived people which is on the same moral plane as lying.

Saddam died of arrogance. Saddam knew Bush’s plans to occupy Iraq was bound to fail because it violated the accepted principles of warfare. Bush planned on having the US occupy Iraq with 150 thousand solders when his father used 500 thousand to merely drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait. Moreover the US army was instructed to avoid a fight when ever possible which left the Iraqi Army intact with their weapons. Saddam thought that he would be the one to drive the US out and he would be a hero but that never happens, instead Saddam was found hiding in a hole and ended up being hanged.

Bush has brought shame and dishonor on the US but he couldn’t have done it without Saddam. The anarchy in Iraq is Saddam’s final revenge on the Iraqi people and Bush's revenge on the American people. The one good thing is Muslims see any defeat as God’s will which means that Saddam’s execution will show Muslims
That God was not on his side.


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