On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Roman Catholic One True Church

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin has banned Rep. Patrick Kennedy from receiving Communion, the central sacrament of the church, in Rhode Island because of the congressman's support for abortion rights, Kennedy said in a newspaper interview published Sunday.

Yet Catholic bishops did not object to priests raping and sodomizing children because none of them believe Catholic doctrine. The bishops are perpetrating or is it penetrating a giant con. They don't believe a word that they say but the church is a good racket, and they aren't going to give up their lies until they are taken away in handcuffs with trench coats over their heads.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Lets Avoid Borrowing So Future Generation Will Have No Debt

For every dollar saved in government spending it costs the middle class two. The policies of cutting government wrecked the economy. Now the crooks who looted the economy say we can't borrow and have future generations pay back the money. The liars fail to mention is if we don't borrow money there will be no economy at all. The upper Amazon has no government and with out government we would be as poor as they are.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Donald Jumps the Shark with Joan Rivers On His Back

In case you didn’t hear everyone thinks Joan Rivers won the Celebrity Apprentice because she was nicer then Annie Duke. Annie was out of her league because poker has rules and with comedians the most vicious wins. Let’s be clear Joan tore into her and Annie tried to stay above the fray but an occasionally Joan’s continuous vicious attacks would get to Annie and she would say something and then she was labeled as bad as Joan. It was Bush beating Kerry all over again with one side playing dirty and the other losing because they took the high road.

The whole thing was fixed anyway because before Joan if anyone threatened to quit Donald would fire them but he could fire Joan because she was bigger then Donald. Donald now has discredited himself and I doubt many people are going to want to see the Apprentice again.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lets Repeat the Mistakes of the Past by Turning to the Extreme Right

If we do not learn from that past we are condemned to repeat it. The political group in the US that believed that small government and that an unregulated market is a good thing gained enough political power to put its ideas into practice and destroyed the US economy and as a result the world economy.

There were many causes of the economic collapse but it started with a financial one. A small group of people made off with most of the money in the financial system. The lack of money convinced those in power that almost no business was financially viable. Normally we think of companies that make money as good companies and those who lose money as bad companies. We think of a company as making money if it sells a good or a service for a profit. There is another way to make or lose money based on what the company came be sold for. If a person steals the money available to buy a company then that company is worth nothing even if it makes a great deal of money, A financial crisis like the one we have now can lead to economic destruction if companies are closed because on paper they are worth nothing.

If the stock market drops low enough then the money a company can be sold for will drop and the company may go out of business. Groups of investors drive down the price of stock by selling stocks short. We all know the idea of buying a stock and if it goes it the stock can be sold for a profit. The problem is a stock can only be worth so much which limits how much money can be made. One can do the opposite by selling a stock that one doesn't have and buying it later when it is time to deliver the stock to the new owner. If more people are willing to sell a stock at any price then there are people willing to buy the stock then the stock can become worthless. The term bear raid is use to describe an event where many people get together to sell stocks and drive the price down to zero,

A bear raid was important cause of the stock market collapse in 1929 that lead to a world wide depression. In order to prevent future depressions laws were passed to prevent bear raids. After that regulations in the US increased and increased to the point to where the US economy was on the verge of collapse.

As a result many people in power came to believed that small government and an unregulated market was a good thing. They reduced the size of government and the amount regulations and the economy improved. Finally laws designed to prevent bear raids were scraped and the bear raids resumed. The US in terms of the size of government and the amount of regulations became just as it was in 1929 as a result US economy and the world economy was destroyed,.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A Dangerous Precedent Called Democracy

Senator Mark Leno say "Proposition 8's revision to the California Constitution violated key structural checks and balances in the state's legal system when it was approved by a slim majority of voters last November. If Proposition 8 stands, we would be setting a dangerous precedent in California that allows a majority of the people to deny equal protection under the law to a minority of Californians."

The dangerous prescient is called Democracy. Nothing so sickens a Liberal then the idea that people have the right to make their own laws. Liberals think the people are scum and deny them the fundamental right of life and liberty. Liberals claim the amendment saying that people have the right to be safe in their homes and their persons means the murders and thieves are protected when the violate those rights. They claim the constitution restricts government except when a person wants to buy a gun to protect himself. Moreover Leno lies when he claims that gay marriage was supported by the founding fathers of the country. The precedent was gay marriage because it was hailed as a legal prescient less then a decade ago. Now Leno lies and claims that we had gay marriage since 1776.

Liberal hate the people because Liberals oppose the idea that the people should be free to make their own laws.

Monday, March 02, 2009

The prosecution of Pirate Bay: protecting the creaters of ideas WRONG!

Those who support prosecution of Pirate Bay, an information exchange service, claim that they want to protect people who create original content and Pirate Bay should be destroyed because its owners are rich.

Copyrights are held by businesses who rip-off the creators of original content so copyrights have nothing to do with protecting anyone but the rich. Those in power always oppose the free exchange of ideas. The US is the worst. The US and the world’s economy have been ruined by the rich seeking privilege. The prosecution is merely another attempt to steal from the people and protect the rich.

What worst the people who complain about the owners of Pirate Bay being rich because they only complain about them being rich because they do what ever rich people tell them to do. Reporters who attack Pirate Bay have prostituted themselves to the point that street walkers laugh at them.

The Search For Intelligent Life

One core component of intelligence is the ability to learn. If a person hasn't changed their ideas about the economy since the current economic crisis then they can't learn, or they are out of touch with reality.

I was wrong about the level of corruption of business executives. It turns out the level of corruption among business men is so great as to jeopardize the system. Many people who run companies are looting them, and spending most of the money they steal on whores and cocaine.

I knew we were headed for trouble anyway because the great depression of 1929 was caused by the Republicans cutting regulations, government spending and taxes. In 3 years the New Deal cut the rate of unemployment from 20% to 9% but those who wish to destroy capitalism and democracy say the New Deal made things worse.

Here is how it works. There are two groups the Demand Siders and the Supply Siders:

Demand Side: People like Jimmy Carter argue that if all the money is taken away from Businesses and given to Consumers than Businesses will produce an infinite amount of goods to get the money back. The problem with Demand Siders is they are too stupid to know that if Businesses have no money they cannot produce anything. Jimmy Carter almost destroyed the US economy with his stupid ideas.

Supply Side: People like George Bush argue that if all the money is taken away from Consumers and given to Businesses then those Businesses will produce an infinite amount of goods because they always use all the money, they have to produce more goods. The problem with Supply Siders is they are too stupid to know that if Consumers have no money they cannot buy anything. George Bush almost destroyed the US economy with his stupid ideas.

Another core component of intelligence is the ability to think of more then one idea at a time. Both Demand Siders and Supply Siders are equally right and equally wrong; the answer to our economic problems lies in a balance between the two. Both Consumers and Businesses need money and without it our system will die.

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Chaney Applauds Ford’s Pardon of Nixon / Who Will Pardon Chancy?

George Bush has done far more harm to the US then any president in recent memory. Bush deceived people to get the US to invade and occupy Iraq. The term deceive is important because it’s hard if not impossible to prove that Bush lied about Saddam wanting weapons of mass destruction. Even if he did it, is far easier to show that he deceived people then to prove that he lied. Forget about what he said and think about what people thought he said. You may think that that isn't a problem but Bush had to know that his words made people believed. He had to know that people believed something false. What ever it was that they believed they believed that the situation was such that an invasion was needed immediately. What could be the only reason that we needed to invade right away. What do the words Weapons of Mass Destruction convey to you? Do they not invoke an image of people dying on a mass scale? If an immediate invasion was needed then people must have thought that shortly Saddam was going to kill a massive number of people immediately. Bush knew that because he knew what people were saying about his speech.

Defenders of Bush may claim that if the people got it wrong then it’s on them but it isn’t on us because Bush swore to protect and defend the country. He never had a right to use US resources for his own gain. Bush’s invasion was based on the wants and needs of the Saudis not the US. The Saudis wanted the US solders out of Saudi Arabia, something that hasn’t been widely reported. The Saudis knew that US troops were necessary as long as Saddam was in power. They also knew that if Iraqi oil production was stopped or reduced to a minimum that their oil would be worth more. As we all know the Bush Family is heavily involved with the Saudi Royal Family and what’s good for the Saudis is good for the Bush Family.

The first step in the invasion of Iraq was 9/11. Not one hijacker came from Iraq. Most of the funding and most of the personal involved, in the attack, came from Saudi Arabia. Yet because of Bush the result of the attack was the US increased its support of Saudi Arabia and attacked upon Iraq. Iraq was about the only country that had no involvement in 9/11 so the US invaded Iraq? Talk about ON Target Plus 180.

Bush said he knew that Iraq was involved but he couldn't say why so as to protect people who were spying or the US. That was a lie because what he said he knew turned out to be false. Again we were deceived into thinking that we needed to invade Iraq immediately and Bush knew that the reasons he gave were not true.

The Saudi Royal Family claims that they are the victims of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden but no member of the Saudi Royal Family has every been killed or injured by Al Qaeda. After all the attacks by Al Qaeda in and out of Saudi Arabia not one member of the Saudi Royal Family has suffered so much as a scratch. Everything that happened originated in Saudi Arabia and everything that Bush did benefited the Saudi Royal Family and hurt the US militarily. Simply put Bush violated his oath of office and he deserves to be impeached.

We have had other terrible presidents. Richard Nixon was a crook and engaged in a cover up but nothing he did hurt the country militantly. Lyndon Johnson got the US involved in the Vietnam and prevented the US from winning the war. However he had an excuse: He didn’t know any better. The Powel Doctrine came out of Vietnam. For the US to have a chance in a war it must use massive force. In Desert Storm an action which was only designed to drive the Iraqi’s out of Kuwait the US used 300 thousand troops. Then when Bush decided to occupy Iraq the he sent in 130 thousand troops. There can be no justification for such malfeasance. Bush’s plan for occupying Iraq was bound to fail and no matter stupid Bush is he was responsible for using a plan that was bound to fail especially when a failure in Iraq benefits the Saudis.

The problem is if we impeach Bush then Chaney will become president and he will pardon Bush. Chaney is as guilt as Bush and he can't claim that he didn’t know what was going on. It seems all of the senior people in the Bush’s Administration including Rumsfeld are guilty of treason. Unfortunately we will have to until a Democrat becomes President before we can send them all to jail or worse.