On Target Plus 180 Degrees

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Monday, September 05, 2005

Acedemic War On America/Selling Terrorism

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim : America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terrorby Mahmood Mamdani is a book by another academic who is against America. His book Good Muslims Bad Muslims discusses the root causes of Islamic terrorism.

The author tries to make 3 points.

1. It is wrong to blame Islam for terrorism because everything is the fault of the United States. The author argues thusly. He says if I hit you don't blame my culture, blame your self. You deserve to get hit. Rather you deserve to get hit if you are an American.

2. He denies that a core belief of Islam, that every human being is a slave, has any effect on how Muslims and Islamic States tend to view free countries.

3. He claims that Ronald Reagan invented terrorism and the concept of holy war. Terrorist acts occurred long before Ronald Reagan was born. No one person or group should be blamed for terrorism. There is even a justification of terrorism in the Koran. The Koran 8.12:" When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them." The author also claims that Reagan's use of the term Evil Empire as a means of referring to the USSR was the first time religion was ever used to justify war. This claim is so absurd that any comment by me would be over kill.Of course everything that has ever happened has an effect on every thing else.

Certainly the US has done some out right evil things in the Middle East which has played part in causing the rise of terrorism. However there have been three main forces pushing international terrorism. The Middle Eastern Dictatorships have encouraged terrorism as a means of diverting people from engaging in internal politics. The fact that Al Qaeda has yet to attack any member of the Saudi Royal Family shows that it is a handmaiden of the House of Saud. People, including Muslims and Islamists also fear change. They know it has corrosive influence on all of culture and they know where freedom will lead. Then there is the Academe. Professors tell their charges what to do, how to think, and what to think. As such it is natural that they support tyranny and fear freedom. So consciously or unconsciously they blame every evil that exists in the world on America and Americans and teach this view to their students. Is it any wonder those who believe what their teachers tell them to believe, think that it makes sense to attack America and kill Americans?


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