On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

If The Left Plays Games Forget Them Or Play Them Right Back

The left after losing the battle of ideas has stopped debating and now only engages in rhetorical guerilla warfare. The naive assumption that framers of the Constitution made when supporting free speech was the idea that each speaker actually believed what they said and was doing their best to explain their views. Debate is impossible if your opponent holds the truth in contempt and treats every exchange like a joke. It isn’t that Ward Churchill or Noam Chomsky hold unpopular views the problem they refuse to engage in any dialogue at all. Churchill continues to tell lie after lie. He is famous for deliberately lying about the US giving Indians blankets containing smallpox. Noam Chomsky on the other hand simply makes meaningless statements that sound like criticism of the US but when examined are nothing but double talk devoid of assertions of fact and lacking in any logical coherence. Chomsky, an expert on language rightly complained year after year about the used of double talk by politicians. Then he seemed to snap began to imitate their language style.

We have no common language with left. The result is we can neither communicate nor negotiate with them. I share more in common with a dog or a horse and can communicate with them far better them I can with a member of the left. Every discussion with a member of the left starts with them telling lie after lie like “Hitler was elected as the result of a fair election” and then after those ideas are refuted I am ridiculed and accused of being a Nazi my self. Trying to communicate with the left is like Charley Brown and the football, the left-winger pretends to want to debate then ends up playing games and hurling insults. At this point it is demeaning to continue to expose one self to ridicule in the pursuit of a common dialogue. We have come to the point where should imitate them or keep silent. As for settling disputes say nothing just use force.


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