On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Peda Thinks That African Americans Are No Better then Animals

link http://slate.msn.com/id/2124601/?nav=fo

So Peda wants animals treated in the same way that African Americans and woman are? So they want animals to have the right to vote. They want full school integration with animals. They want Affirmative action so animals can hold the same amount of jobs that everyone else does. They want animals to receive welfare and Social Security. Given the fact that Americans are lied to in school about rights it is understandable that Peda gets the idea of rights wrong. Yes animals do have rights but they aren’t in the same class as African Americans and woman are.

The highest level of rights belongs to those who understand the meaning of idea of rights and are willing to respect the rights of others. Only humans are capable of fully understanding what rights are and willing to respect the rights of others. While some humans are not capable of respecting the rights of others we include all humans as a safe guard against depriving right to those who deserve them.

There is another group who deserves a lesser level of rights. Those who feel pain and suffer are entitled to rights. Any away person who spends any time abound a dog or a cat knows that they feel pain and suffer. Moreover their reaction to the deaths of those they care about and their own death shows that while they lack human intelligence they are much like us when it comes to the fact that they are conscious. As such we have an obligation to minimize the pain and suffering of animals. The needs of humans supersede the rights of animals but once the needs of humans are met then humans are obligated to minimize the pain and suffering of animals.


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