On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

War On Terror Cosmetic Changes

MARCH 7, 2006.

Congress has made some superficial changes in the patriot act. Now they can't raid libraries without court order. Hooray. Now the libraries are safe, give me a break. The real provisions that are worrisome have to do with holding American citizens incommunicado without a trial. I mean right now they can drag anyone off the street and no one will know what happened. Of course, the crooks in Washington don't care about anything substantial. They claim to care about our rights but all we get is nothing but window dressing and everyone's butt is covered.

Both sides are corrupt. The so-called civil libertarians don't believe in Civil Liberties at all. They support terrorists and criminals taking away our freedom. According to them, a lawful society is one with a high crime rate. A society with a high degree of Civil Rights, is one where people are afraid to walk the streets, where the homes are subject to illegal search and seizure by criminals. A society based on laws not men is one where judges rule fiat and written statute has no meaning. What can you expect from people used the oxymoron “The tyranny of majority?” They believe that Americans are tyrants, and so do not deserve protection from terrorists, or anyone else for that matter.

And what you get to the other side, the most corrupt regime in American history. Where people are held without trial. Bush goes to war to make Halliburton rich, even though it jeopardizes the security of the country.. They say they believe in security, but they leave the board is wide open so illegal immigrants can bring down wages. Bush also ships American jobs overseas. He justifies with the lie that American workers lack education when American workers are the most highly educated workforce in the world.

The people who run, the federal government are nothing but thieves, whose only job is to steal as much as they can before the whole thing falls apart. Make no mistake; America’s leaders want to destroy democracy and freedom. If the American people are to survive we will have to fight as dirty as they do.


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