On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

As Usual Academia Wants Americans Dead.

As usual Academia wants Americans dead.

They want lion attacks here.

Saturday, August 20, 2005 :: infoZine Staff :: page views
Lion Attacks on Humans Increase in Tanzania


Washington, D.C. - infoZine - As the human population grows, ill-fated encounters with wild animals also increase. According to a study published in the Aug. 18 issue of the journal Nature, 871 humans were killed or injured by marauding lions in Tanzania in the past 15 years. Analysis of the circumstances led Craig Packer, an ecologist at the University of Minnesota, and his colleagues to propose that control of Tanzania's bush pig population may help reduce these incidents.

Lions and Cheetahs and Elephants, Oh My!
Let them run wild. In North America.
By C. Josh Donlan
Posted Thursday, Aug. 18, 2005, at 2:27 PM PT


"Rewilding"—bringing elephants, cheetahs, and lions out of captivity to run free in parts of North America

Peda Thinks That African Americans Are No Better then Animals

link http://slate.msn.com/id/2124601/?nav=fo

So Peda wants animals treated in the same way that African Americans and woman are? So they want animals to have the right to vote. They want full school integration with animals. They want Affirmative action so animals can hold the same amount of jobs that everyone else does. They want animals to receive welfare and Social Security. Given the fact that Americans are lied to in school about rights it is understandable that Peda gets the idea of rights wrong. Yes animals do have rights but they aren’t in the same class as African Americans and woman are.

The highest level of rights belongs to those who understand the meaning of idea of rights and are willing to respect the rights of others. Only humans are capable of fully understanding what rights are and willing to respect the rights of others. While some humans are not capable of respecting the rights of others we include all humans as a safe guard against depriving right to those who deserve them.

There is another group who deserves a lesser level of rights. Those who feel pain and suffer are entitled to rights. Any away person who spends any time abound a dog or a cat knows that they feel pain and suffer. Moreover their reaction to the deaths of those they care about and their own death shows that while they lack human intelligence they are much like us when it comes to the fact that they are conscious. As such we have an obligation to minimize the pain and suffering of animals. The needs of humans supersede the rights of animals but once the needs of humans are met then humans are obligated to minimize the pain and suffering of animals.

Bush Knifes America In The Back Again.

Before Bush was reelected people were warned that gas prices would rise but the left said it couldn’t happen because the US steals all its oil and the right said it couldn’t happen because Bush was a good old boy. Both sides are morons. Now Bush sells out Americans values to the Shi’ites expecting concessions but the Shi’ites have never ever made any concessions or kept any agreement. Bush has gotten the US to support Islamic oppression in Iraq when he said we went into Iraq to promote freedom. How can you tell Bush is lying? His mouth is moving.


BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. concessions to Islamists on the role of religion in Iraqi law marked a turn in talks on a constitution, negotiators said on Saturday as they raced to meet a 48-hour deadline under intense U.S. pressure to clinch a deal.

We understand the Americans have sided with the Shi'ites," he said. "It's shocking. It doesn't fit American values. They have spent so much blood and money here, only to back the creation of an Islamist state ... I can't believe that's what the Americans really want or what the American people want."

It was unclear what concessions the Shi'ites may have made, but it seemed possible their demands for Shi'ite autonomy in the oil-rich south, pressed this month by Islamist leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, may be watered down in the face of Sunni opposition

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

If The Left Plays Games Forget Them Or Play Them Right Back

The left after losing the battle of ideas has stopped debating and now only engages in rhetorical guerilla warfare. The naive assumption that framers of the Constitution made when supporting free speech was the idea that each speaker actually believed what they said and was doing their best to explain their views. Debate is impossible if your opponent holds the truth in contempt and treats every exchange like a joke. It isn’t that Ward Churchill or Noam Chomsky hold unpopular views the problem they refuse to engage in any dialogue at all. Churchill continues to tell lie after lie. He is famous for deliberately lying about the US giving Indians blankets containing smallpox. Noam Chomsky on the other hand simply makes meaningless statements that sound like criticism of the US but when examined are nothing but double talk devoid of assertions of fact and lacking in any logical coherence. Chomsky, an expert on language rightly complained year after year about the used of double talk by politicians. Then he seemed to snap began to imitate their language style.

We have no common language with left. The result is we can neither communicate nor negotiate with them. I share more in common with a dog or a horse and can communicate with them far better them I can with a member of the left. Every discussion with a member of the left starts with them telling lie after lie like “Hitler was elected as the result of a fair election” and then after those ideas are refuted I am ridiculed and accused of being a Nazi my self. Trying to communicate with the left is like Charley Brown and the football, the left-winger pretends to want to debate then ends up playing games and hurling insults. At this point it is demeaning to continue to expose one self to ridicule in the pursuit of a common dialogue. We have come to the point where should imitate them or keep silent. As for settling disputes say nothing just use force.

Monday, August 15, 2005

US Not Guilt Of Genocide

Was the US guilty of genocide against the American Indians? According to the UN definition of genocide the US is guilty of genocide. The UN is an enemy of the US. It defines genocide in such an absurd way as to make even one bias crime genocide.
Here is the UN definition of genocide.

The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such:

a. Killing members of the group;
b. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
c. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
d. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
e. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Note there is noting in the definition about genocide being a government policy killing or causing the death of every member of that group. All you do is have to have one person in the government committing such an act.

Let’s take this example. Sacco and Vanzetti where two Italian anarchists who were wrongfully convicted and executed. Added to that the government takes children away from parents that abuse their children even if the child doesn’t want to leave. Sometime as part of children’s protective services Italian children were taken away and put into the homes of non Italian. According the UN definition of genocide the US was guilty of committing genocide against Italians.

a. Killing members of the group; The policeman killed two members of the group
b. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Of course killing the men was causing them serious bodily harm.
c. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Of course killing the men caused the physical destruction to part of the group.
d. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Of course killing the men prevents them from, having any more children.
e. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Sending an Italian child to a foster home against the child’s will was a forcibly transferring Italian children an other group.

This is what genocide really means.

Genocide means killing each and every member of group. The word genocide literally means killing a gene and the way to do that is to kill each and everyone who has that gene. The UN definition of genocide applies even if one member of a group is killed or mistreated. Let’s face it if you use the UN definition then US is guilty of genocide because according to the UN the US is guilty of everything.

This is what genocide really means.

Genocide is an official policy or an accepted policy where each and every member of a certain group is to be killed leaving no descendants when that certain group is not actively fighting the group accused of committing genocide. It is genocide if all of the five conditions listed below are accepted policies.

1 Every member of a certain group is killed even after resistance has ceased.
2 Every member of a certain group is killed even after they surrendered to authorities.
3 Rounding up every member of a certain group and killing them.
4 Preventing the escape of every member a certain group so they can be killed.
5 Killing any one who is a descendent of that certain group.

Jews as a group did not attack Germans or Germany. Jews often when along with the requests of German authorities. It was German policy to wipe out Jews in battle. It was German policy to kill every Jew who surrendered to German authorities. It was German policy to round up Jews and kill them. It was German policy to check people’s back ground and if they had any “Jewish Blood” and kill them. Jews weren’t allowed to leave countries under German control and attempts were made to return Jews to German control so they could be killed.

Here is what Armenian genocide was like. Armenians as a group did not attack Turks or Turkey. Armenians often when along with the requests of Turkish authorities. First the Turks rounded up able bodied Armenian men and after they were taken into custody they were immediately killed or worked to death. Then other Armenian groups were taken into custody and immediately killed. Then the remaining Armenians were taken on a death march and executed by the Turks.

None of the above was US policy or happened on a regular basis. There was never an attempt to kill each and every Indian. Indians were never prevented from leaving the US. Indians peacefully living among white people weren’t rounded up and killed. The use of the word genocide to mean anything other then the systematic attempt by group to kill every member of another group is insulting to people like Jews and Armenians who really suffered from genocide.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Great Raid

The Great Raid was a movie about the greatest victory in US history in terms of being out numbered by enemy solders. Colonel Mucci lead the raid and trained the men. Colonel Mucci was famous for being fearless. Colonel Mucci did an unbelievable job training men who weren't combat solders. He led an attack on a Japanese POW camp. They prevailed even though they were out numbered 10 to 1.

In the move there was no training only Mucci playing cards while his men laid around. Then when offered the chance to raid the Japanese he has someone one else plan the raid. When they get to the POW camp Mucci is afraid to attack. There is a scene where Mucci talks to an aid he is on the verge of tears says he is worried that the men have lost trust in him. That scene was a lie. Most of the film consists of POWs suffering in the camps. The main character in the film is a POW who dreams of being reunited with the great love of his life. When the film ends it turns that he is one of the only persons who die. There was no combat to speak of only a few explosions and a couple of people being shot. This film was the worst film I ever saw.

Korea Hints At a Compromise

The morons in America’s elite are like Charlie Brown and the football. Lucy holds the football for Charley to kick and then pulls it away. This seems to happen daily and has been going on for years but Charley never learns. Every time he believes that Lucy will hold the football and every time she pulls it away. The Secretary of State under Clinton made a deal with North Korea that they would give him aid if they would stop their nuclear program. Of course there were no valid attempts to see if Korea would keep its word. Later it turned out that the morons in the Clinton Administration were exposed because Korea didn’t stop anything. All Korea does is lie and play games about compromise. None the less, the jerks in the State Department and the New York Times bite every time. These jerks never learn nor will they ever learn.