On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Fighting A Set Piece War

In the 1800s generals would fight set piece battles. The two sides would line up. Face each other and fight at a preset time. The whole thing was absurd because both sides should be seeking an overwhelming advantage. Not lining up so the generals could have things nice and tidy for themselves.

In Iraq we call out the enemy but he only sends a token force while the main force only fights when it has the advantage. It is nothing short a pathetic that that the US army is fighting using that tactics of the 1800s. If the enemy only fights when he will win then he will never lose.

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Terrorists Will Just Move On

The US is making a big deal out of Fallujah because according to Western Culture taking a prize means you are superior. That idea comes from the Roman Coliseum and the Jousting Tourneys during the Middle Ages. The Arab world has a different history. The Arabs believe in extreme mobility and hitting the enemy where he is most vulnerable. The terrorist just left Fallujah so they can fight again another day. Already there is fighting in other cities and then more hostages will be taken. Until we learn the way Arabs fight wars we can not hope for victory.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Who's Side Are You On

The idea that you can fight a war al la cart is absurd. Either you agree with the Arab Dictatorships are you agree with the US. Take you choice.

We Must Fight a Cultural Competent War On Terror

The West always wants to do things in its own way. It ignores other cultures and when it does so in foreign countries the people there react in unpredicable ways. In the Arab World war is fought by assassination and massacre. We call such tactics terrorism and they call the way we fight terrorism. No one in America respects the 9/11 attack and no one in the Arab world respects dropping bombs on people from 50 thousand feet. We all have heard,when in Rome do as the Romans do. Well in the Arab world we must fight war the way the Arabs do. So unless we engage in assassination and massacre over there we might as well give up and convert to Islam

The Fights

Just say the night of the heavey weights pay for view it sucked. Boxing can be sometimes be the worst sport to watch or the best. Anyway I am not going to pay for boxing for a while.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

A start

I like to talk but most people don't want to hear it. I am interested in everything. The election really hit me. Liberals spent ther political capital on supporting criminals, foreign enemies and social outcasts. It isn't that Liberals are wrong but they gave the American people the inpression that they don't like them. Granted what's to like but you aren't going to get many votes with the slogen "Vote For Me You Moronic Asshole."

Gays want marrage to be legal because they want be accepted. Guess what gays will never be accepted not because there is any thing wrong with being gay. It just rarely if ever it anyone accepted. I have one friend who accepts me so far. Granted I am weider then gays but hardly accept anyone and I love everyone. So tolerance is the best anyone can expect.