On Target Plus 180 Degrees

Things are pretty much are the opposite of what people say they are.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Chaney Applauds Ford’s Pardon of Nixon / Who Will Pardon Chancy?

George Bush has done far more harm to the US then any president in recent memory. Bush deceived people to get the US to invade and occupy Iraq. The term deceive is important because it’s hard if not impossible to prove that Bush lied about Saddam wanting weapons of mass destruction. Even if he did it, is far easier to show that he deceived people then to prove that he lied. Forget about what he said and think about what people thought he said. You may think that that isn't a problem but Bush had to know that his words made people believed. He had to know that people believed something false. What ever it was that they believed they believed that the situation was such that an invasion was needed immediately. What could be the only reason that we needed to invade right away. What do the words Weapons of Mass Destruction convey to you? Do they not invoke an image of people dying on a mass scale? If an immediate invasion was needed then people must have thought that shortly Saddam was going to kill a massive number of people immediately. Bush knew that because he knew what people were saying about his speech.

Defenders of Bush may claim that if the people got it wrong then it’s on them but it isn’t on us because Bush swore to protect and defend the country. He never had a right to use US resources for his own gain. Bush’s invasion was based on the wants and needs of the Saudis not the US. The Saudis wanted the US solders out of Saudi Arabia, something that hasn’t been widely reported. The Saudis knew that US troops were necessary as long as Saddam was in power. They also knew that if Iraqi oil production was stopped or reduced to a minimum that their oil would be worth more. As we all know the Bush Family is heavily involved with the Saudi Royal Family and what’s good for the Saudis is good for the Bush Family.

The first step in the invasion of Iraq was 9/11. Not one hijacker came from Iraq. Most of the funding and most of the personal involved, in the attack, came from Saudi Arabia. Yet because of Bush the result of the attack was the US increased its support of Saudi Arabia and attacked upon Iraq. Iraq was about the only country that had no involvement in 9/11 so the US invaded Iraq? Talk about ON Target Plus 180.

Bush said he knew that Iraq was involved but he couldn't say why so as to protect people who were spying or the US. That was a lie because what he said he knew turned out to be false. Again we were deceived into thinking that we needed to invade Iraq immediately and Bush knew that the reasons he gave were not true.

The Saudi Royal Family claims that they are the victims of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden but no member of the Saudi Royal Family has every been killed or injured by Al Qaeda. After all the attacks by Al Qaeda in and out of Saudi Arabia not one member of the Saudi Royal Family has suffered so much as a scratch. Everything that happened originated in Saudi Arabia and everything that Bush did benefited the Saudi Royal Family and hurt the US militarily. Simply put Bush violated his oath of office and he deserves to be impeached.

We have had other terrible presidents. Richard Nixon was a crook and engaged in a cover up but nothing he did hurt the country militantly. Lyndon Johnson got the US involved in the Vietnam and prevented the US from winning the war. However he had an excuse: He didn’t know any better. The Powel Doctrine came out of Vietnam. For the US to have a chance in a war it must use massive force. In Desert Storm an action which was only designed to drive the Iraqi’s out of Kuwait the US used 300 thousand troops. Then when Bush decided to occupy Iraq the he sent in 130 thousand troops. There can be no justification for such malfeasance. Bush’s plan for occupying Iraq was bound to fail and no matter stupid Bush is he was responsible for using a plan that was bound to fail especially when a failure in Iraq benefits the Saudis.

The problem is if we impeach Bush then Chaney will become president and he will pardon Bush. Chaney is as guilt as Bush and he can't claim that he didn’t know what was going on. It seems all of the senior people in the Bush’s Administration including Rumsfeld are guilty of treason. Unfortunately we will have to until a Democrat becomes President before we can send them all to jail or worse.